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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Place of fashion, art, culture and grate history.

Rome, the “eternal city”, is so called because it is a place of great beauty, contrast and life. Rome is an ecletic city: the religious world centre of Catholic Church, the fabulous ruins of the centre of the Roman Empire, and modern, bustling Rome. All three seem incongruous, yet they live inside and beside each other with great ease. You will soon realise Rome was build to rule and dominate the world. Everything is on a massive scale, solid and “eternal”.

Intelligent Travel: Rome, Italy

Entry requirements: U.S. citizens need a valid passport to enter Italy. TimeRome is five or six hours ahead of U.S. eastern standard time, depending on daylight savings. Currency The euro; for the current exchange rate, visitwww.oanda.com. Phone calls To telephone Rome from the U.S., dial the international access code 011, the country code 39, the local code 06, and the number.

Antico Caffè Greco 86 Via Condotti; www.anticocaffegreco.eu.

Bar San Callisto 9 Piazza San Callisto.

Bartolucci Store 96/98 Via dei Pastini; www.bartolucci.com/Default.aspx.

Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere; .

Caffè di Marzio 15 Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere.

Hotel Hassler 6 Piazza Trinità dei Monti; www.hotelhassler.com. Rates for a double room start at 350 euros ($520).

Hotel Teatro di Pompeo 8 Largo del Pallaro; www.hotelteatrodipompeo.it. Rates for a double room start at 180 euros ($270). Rates for a double room start at 180 euros ($270).

Keats-Shelley House 26 Piazza di Spagna; www.keats-shelley-house.org.

Museo di Roma in Trastevere 1B Piazza San Egidio;http://en.museodiromaintrastevere.it.

Pantheon Piazza della Rotonda.

Trattoria der Pallaro 15 Largo del Pallaro. Fixed menu at a fixed price.

Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi) Between Via della Stamperia and Via Poli, facing Piazza di Trevi.

Apartment Rentals in Rome

The author located his rental through Rental in Rome, www.rentalinrome.com.

Other agencies that rent out apartments in Rome include:

Best Rent Rome www.bestrentrome.com.

Feel Home in Rome www.feelhomeinrome.com.

Italian Vacation Villas www.villasitalia.com.

Leisure in Rome www.leisureinrome.com.

Roman Homes www.romanhomes.com.

RomeApartHotels www.romeaparthotels.com.

RomePower.com www.romepower.com.

RomeRents www.romerents.com.

Rome Sweet Home www.romesweethome.it.

Under the Roman Sun www.undertheromansun.com.

Rome Tourist Board, 11 Via Parigi; 06-48-8991. Italian Government Tourist Board: www.italiantourism.com..